I was hoping to get around to making more herbal oils this year, but I haven't really had the time {although I suppose there is a little while yet!}. The one I did get around to making was chamomile oil.
Chamomile oil is great for putting in a bath or massaged in for sore muscles or to sooth dry and irritated skin; it also makes a great hair treatment oil by rubbing into the hair before washing, leaving the hair shiny and soft.
I used the good old fashioned cold method, which is good if you are using the oil for topical purposes only. So below is a little recipe on how to make your own chamomile herbal oil:
Chamomile Herbal Oil
Freshly harvested Chamomile flowers {for this batch I used Double Chamomile}
A good quality carrier oil, enough to cover all the flowers {for this I used olive oil, but almond, jojoba, or another longer lasting oil would do}
A clean glass jar with tight lid
Place oil and flowers in the jar, making sure that the lid is completely closed. Leave on a sunny window sill for about 30 days. Shake jar gently every day. Once ready, you can either filter the the flowers out with cheese cloth or leave them in, putting the oil into a clear dark jar/bottle. Store in a cool dry place. It should last a year or two.
This is one I have not made before. It looks wonderful and thank you for the recipe.
hey, that is a neat thing to do with chamomile...does it have to be fresh?
Hertha: Thanks, and you are most welcome! :)
Anon: Thank you as well. :) And yes, I would use fresh blossoms.
Just what the herbalist ordered! Thank you =^)
Good work! :)
I make different oils but have never tried chamomile. Thanks for the tips!
Drinking chamomile tea soothes the nervous system so that you can sleep better. It has been used as a solution for insomnia for centuries. See the link below for more info.
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