I feel like we have been kind of neglecting our little blog as of late, which come the end of the growing season, I am sure both Aymi and I will be posting more. We both have been busy doing several different things, so here are just a few quick updates.
First, I forgot to announce on here that card readings are again available at our Etsy shop. Aymi and I are working on other artistic projects that will probably make there way into our shop a little later on as well. She has been working on some great jewelry and I have been working on some collage posties with a homesteading theme, so stayed tuned!
It seems that I might also be offering in-person readings for folks in the public at large in North Bay. For quite a while this is a service that I have offered to people that I know in a barter/trade system {a currency that I am admittedly a lot more comfortable with!}, as well as some folk magic and healing services.
Over the Summer I have had a few paid in-person sessions with people that I don't know, and been getting requests for more, so this is another avenue I am going to explore further. If you are in town and are looking for this type of service, feel free to send me an email{our email is on the side under 'Drop Us a Line'}.
It has started to get cold here in Northern Ontario at night, and the garden is deciding that it is time to wrap up the season. I am a little sad about that because I don't think we had much of a Summer, but all in all I am pleased with how the garden produced.
I was supposed to go camping this weekend in Algonquin Park, but the weather looks like it will be pretty blah, so I will probably spend it in the garden to start to get it ready for Winter {*sniff* *sniff*}.
A while ago I had pressed charges against a family member for historical abuse and it looks like it is finally starting to go through our legal system. A part of me is glad, but another part is anxious. I suppose this is normal, but it has been consuming a larger part of me emotionally than I would like. Maybe I will get into this a little more later.
Finally, if you are a homesteader {seasoned, wet behind the ears, or just in the dreaming stages!} you should come on over to Cold Antler Farm's forum. It is brand-spankin' new, but already has a wealth of knowledge and story swapping going on!
it's nice to see that you are expanding your witchy services! i think that you have a real talent for it.
good luck and best wishes with your legal situation.
Thanks, Anon! :)
Oh, Laurel, I wish you all happiness. What a crappy situation :( Take heart in the things that you can control, anyway.
As for the gardening, yeah - we got frost the other night here and my singleton tomato plant bit the biscuit,and I harvested a ton of green tomatos.
So, I'll use them to make a childhood food: Green Tomato Pie.
Apparently it's a Depression-era dish. Sounds strange, but actually tastes like apple pie.
You go witchy girl! How is the people up there for services like that?
Medusae: Aww, thanks for the kind words! :) It's kind of a bitchy situation, but what can ya do? 'Keep on Truckin' like Jerry said. ;)
It's hard to tell if we are having an early fall this year, since we didn't have much of summer. But I love the idea for how you are going to use the green nightshade toms! i might give it a whirl! :D
Hertha: Thanks! :) It's hard to say for sure, but I think it is very niche. And that's fine and dandy with me!
~*~Good luck to you hon~*~
Thanks Cammie! :)
I felt slightly intrusive reading this, I have to admit - and I know anything I'll say'll sound like a cliche, but seems like you've made a brave decision and I'm sure you have the strength to see it through.
Know what you mean about the lack of summer, but I do love looking through seed catalogues and books and just planning out what I want to grown next year - even if it is mostly the same old favourites :D
I've had a look at the readings on your Etsy: your cards are beautiful, I especially like the animal oracle ones. Best of luck with the one to one readings - I imagine that to be a lovely thing to be able to do for someone else, especially with banishing money from the equation too!
Thanks for your lovely comments, Bek. :)
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