
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Garden Progress...

We've got the one veggie patch with new paths {another one to come!} and our new and improved shade garden.


  1. I like the seeming randomness of your paths. As for shade, I've heard of that. It's in short supply in my garden.

  2. Paths are looking good, liking the texture. Are they designed for different plants in each section or are you going for a mix up?

  3. PastryWitch: Thanks! :) As much as I like to have some shade, I think we have a bit too much. If I could share I would. ;)

    Bek: Thank you! :) At this point some of the sections are already mixed, and others are just for different plants. 3 are already garlic and 3 are different types of herbs. I intended to do multiple plantings {spring/summer/fall}, so some sections are going to be working hard for me this year. Thank the gods for compost. ;)
