Well, it may just be our last growing season on the property we are currently living at. My friend and landlord might decide to sell the place after the final harvest. Nothing has been decided yet, and we might still stay here if she decides to sell it as a duplex/rental property or if she decides to rent the house out instead of selling.
We are of course going to still go ahead with our 2011 gardening season, although I have made some changes.
I did want to expand on our witchy plants, which are mostly perrenials. I already have a whole bunch that will be dug up and brought with us if we are moving, so I don't want to add more to that list just yet. I am placing a rather large order to Richters with a group of local friends, but in lieu of getting the plants, I am going to be ordering seeds, which will be planted next year, where ever we find ourselves.
There are a couple that I will be planting this year, such as wild tobacco {which will be used mostly for making offerings to local land and nature spirits} and red clover {for our garden path experiment}.
This is what I am planning to order:
allheal, aconite, bergamot, calamus {sweet flag}, wild chicory, red clover, common comfrey, echinacea, elecampane, purple foxglove, black hollyhocks, joe pye weed, munstead lavender, marshmallow, milkweed, meadowsweet, motherwort, mugwort, scullcap, soapwort, wild tobacco, toloache {angel's trumpet}, wallflower, vervain, valerian, wormwood, and woad.
It's a good thing we have a chest freezer! ;)

I highly recommend Richters' Lovage and Kaliteri Oregano if you are also interested in any food plants as well. The Lovage is the strangest taste ever, like a bizarre type of celery, which it's a close relative of, and the oregano is very different than any others I've tasted elsewhere. I wouldn't have even recognized it as one if it wasn't for the name.
They are both amazing when combined together too. I use them in savoury things like potatoes, scrambled eggs, etc.
I can't say enough about them, as you can see above. :)
I hope you get to stay there as long as you like.
I love your to get list! What do you use soapwort for?
oh man I hope everything works out for the best! If you ever want touch base in the states or in Cornwall let me know!
Aw sorry to hear you might be upping sticks and plants - we know what that's like every couple of years or so!
Still, if it does happen, it's good that it'll be after the harvest and that you've got a good amount of time to look for somewhere new.
Scented Nectar: Thanks for the suggestions! A friend of mine has a huge lovage patch and she gives us a heap every year, so I will try the oregano. :)
Hertha: Thanks! It is used for making soaps and shampoos mostly. I think that it would be a nice touch for ritual washes. :)
Darroch: Thanks! We just might make it across the pond next year. We've been saving our pennies! ;)
Beks: I knew you would be able to understand! I am thankful that we are able to stay for the whole season though...and who knows? We might just be here for a while after that. :)
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