Howdy folks! Well, it is Beltane Eve, which is a busy and festive time around my house. The weather is not going to be very cooperative for the next few days, so much of it may be spent indoors.
I planted lettuce, radish, onions, and spinach yesterday in our ready veggie patch, and made another little bed for some flowers. I got some sweet peas in there, and when it is warmer, there will be cosmos, poppies, salvia, columbine and perhaps some other pretties in there too.
Our yard seems to be hot real estate for nesting birds, but I think the robins have won out. I have never found robins to be the most shy of birds, but this pair appear to be quite comfortable with me puttering around the yard.
One of them left a little feather behind {perhaps as a gift for all the worms in our beds and compost heap?}, so I gladly accepted it. ;) All of this interaction with them has spurred me to do some research on the lore about robins, so I will share that soon hopefully.
I hope that you all have a wonderful day!
We may be having a white Beltane, or just a cold and wet one. Not really conducive to outdoor frolicking, but one must be adaptable :)
Have a blessed and merry Beltane, indoors or out.
Thanks! Same to you pastrywitch! :) Let us know what you decided to do to celebrate.
It will be nice to see what you come up with and maybe some photos of your robins!
The photo that you used in this entry is pretty, is it your altar?
Sometimes I think you are indeed pyschic as this has happened a few times... I was only talking about how friendly robins are this weekend. Look forward to your post on them. :)
Hertha: I would love to get some great shots of my robin friends. And thanks you...yes, it is a shot of my Ancestral altar. :)
Bek: Lol, well you know what they say about great minds...;) I am working on it {I think it will probably be a video} and will be covering both North American and European robins. :)
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