Sorry we have been really been around here the last little while! Aymi has been having plenty of folks visiting and I have been getting over the plague {my over the top nick for the flu!} and haven't had much energy for anything besides the normal day to day things.
I hope that you all had a fantastic Hallowe'en/Samhain! Mine was pretty low key as I was too sick for going out and having fun, but I did muster up enough energy to pay homage to my Ancestors {decorating our altars was made easy thanks to a couple of local farmers who had extra pumpkins, corn stalks, and kuri squash on hand!} and to do some magical workings that were much needed.
As previously mentioned in an earlier post I am currently purging negative things in my life so I can be a happier and healthier person. The transitions have been challenging and I am still in the thick of them, but they are starting to pay off methinks. More work to be done there!
Now that Winter is on its merry way I will finally have more time to work on art projects that I have been putting off for far too long. It will be splendid to get back to it and have some quiet time! ;)
I leave you all with some photos from my Samhain {excuse the shoddy quality of some of them!}. Enjoy and be well! :)

Your altar is so pretty! =^)
I love your corn goddesses! Did you make those?
Thanks folks! :)
And yes, I made a whole gaggle of them this year. ;)
Your altars are great! Do you always have more than one?
Thanks Hertha! :)
Right now I don't have enough space to dedicate to two year-round altars. My working altar and devotional altar are pretty much combined, although I stash much of my tools away until they need to be used.
I am hoping once the better half and I move I can have two real seperate ones. :)
SSSOOOOOOOO amazing!!!!
You always have the most beautiful altars. I don't know much about the tradition, but I would love to learn....
You going to be moving soon? I remember the photos you posted of the farm you're going to (I believe?).
Aww, thanks Medusae! Well, if you have any questions about it, I would be happy to answer them as best as I can. :)
We are supposed to be moving soon to my friend's house where the garden is. Her roommates were going to buy a house but that feel through, so they are looking and once they get one, that is when we plan to move in. :)
I was seriously considering doing a internship on a farm next year {and would live there over that time period}, but given that the trial starts next Summer, those plans are probably going to need to be put on hold.
With that said though, I think I might be joining a collective CSA for next season, so I might be growing a little food commercially! :)
Beautiful pics! Is that your black cat?
Thanks Bek! :) Yes, he was our cat Cole, who sadly had to be put down back in 2005. So now I place his photo on the Samhain altar every year. He was such a sweetie. :)
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