So, I ended up packaging a whole bunch of seeds yesterday for today's seed exchange, and now I am too sick to go. :( Now my poor seeds are looking for loving, adoptive homes.
If any of you find yourself in a similar situation, I would be happy to trade seeds with you! If you have no seeds and still want to provide a new home for some seeds please drop me a line at our email or leave a comment.
I've got a whole bunch of kuri squash, green peppers, radish, rhubarb, pie pumpkins, dill, chives, and pole beans. Some of them were collected by me in the garden, and others are from local producers. I am not an expert seed collector by any means, so I can't say for sure how well they will do...but experimentation is fun! :)
P.S. Obviously I will need to get your mailing info {please share that only at our email at nefaeria at yahoo.ca!} and I will only use this info to send you the seeds. I will not share this info with anyone else! :)
I'd like the pumpkin seeds if you can mail to America. I think it would be cool to have seeds from a far away place, even if I can buy the same seeds here.
Hello FreeDragon! I sure can. :) You can email me at nefaeria@yahoo.ca with your mailing info {I promise that it will not be used outside of this exchange and will not be shared with anyone else!!!}. Also, I have quite a few packets of pumpkin seeds {there is about 10 seeds in each, but I didn't count them}. How many do you think you would like?
Email sent =^) I would love some kuri squash and dill seeds if that is okay!
I would love some squash and pumpkins!
Hello, this is very nice. I would be interested in rhubarb if you still have some.
I love your seed packaging! :)
This is nice of you! I would love pumpkin seeds and green peppers if there are any left.
Hi everyone!
Your seeds will be mailed out today. If there is anyone else who is interested, I still have pumpkins, squash, and some dill left. :)
Bek: Thanks! :) They're old National Geographics for the most part. ;)
Oops! I forgot radish, there is some of those left too. :)
Do you have any seeds left?
I got mine! Thanks you! =^)
Anon: Yep, I have some squash and pumpkins left. :)
Permie: Yay! Glad to hear it! :)
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