This is a really neat video of a festival in Cornwall. Here is the description for the video by the uploader:
"Montol is the Cornish Midwinter festival, celebrated in the Penwith town of Penzance. The highlight of the festival for many is the appearance of the town's Solstice 'Oss - Penglaz, who also visits the Midsummer festival of Golowan. She is a central part of the old magic and ritual of the festivals she visits, the very vessel and vehicle of the seasonal energies led by the Teazer known locally as The Bucca - a local spirit/deity of light and dark aspect associated with the land and the weather. At Montol, Penglaz is the vessel of the death and rebirth mid-winter tide and is led by the Teazer in the role of Bucca Dhu the black god/spirit who presides over the dark half of the year and the winter season energies. Here Penglaz is crowned with the sacred Yew of death and rebirth.
The Penglaz Co-operative was formed by the Teazer Cassandra Latham to ensure the survival and proper, respectful continuation of the Penglaz tradition which has always been provided to the community for free."
Photo of Penglaz by SJ Reid
You can find out more about the Penglaz Co-operative at their webby and more about the festivals by going to the Montol webby and the Golowan webby.
To find out more about Cornish Witchcraft, check out this webby and this webby.