Monday, June 11, 2012

a wee corner of the garden

This is pretty much just a photo post of one part of the garden that is quite happy right now.

Things were just pretty much plunked into the ground last Autumn with little thought about anything besides there being the right amount of light. Thoughts of design were pushed aside in favour of expediency, as frosts were coming soon. {for readers who are new to the blog, we moved into our current home last October and brought a shitload of our perennials with us from our last place}

We also had a few lovely surprises pop up, such as the ferns crowding the lady's mantle, and I didn't have the heart to yank them up. The garden will be rearranged so that taller plants will be in the back and everyone will have enough breathing room at the end of this growing season.

Anyhow, I will have a proper garden update coming soon!

{there are ferns, lady's mantle, foxgloves, wormwood, columbine, feverfew, swamp rose mallow, sedums, and mayapple in this part of the garden}

{the wormwood in its second year is about four and a half feet tall}

{blue columbine}

{ghost fern, a new addition}

{foxgloves are such lovely plants!}

{all of the foxgloves we have are Digitalis purpurea or "Common Foxglove"}

{a paler version}





Jasmin said...

Omg... beautiful!!!

Marisol said...

Your new garden is looking great!