It seems that all of my crow, raven, and blue jay friends have disappeared to more sheltered parts in hopes of escaping the bitter cold. I have not heard a peep (nor caw, nor cackle, nor screech) from them in over a week.
Since I have not had my corvidae fix since then, I decided to turn to Etsy. Here is a sample of the best (in my humble opinion) of what Etsy has to offer in this department.

Raven Tea Cozie by Stitchella

Crow and Maple Keys by Danielle Barlow Art

Der Wunderkammer by My Grandmother's Hands

Blue Jay Ornaments by T.D Painting

Flight of Rooks by poppydot

Ravens Silhouette by Naturels Art

Black Raven Destroyed Tshirt by Korean Dollz

Blue Jay by Muddy River Photography

Edgar by Blackstone Studio

The Raven Speaks His Heart by time 2 cre8

Magpie by Karen Davis

Stellar Jay by zutsut

Raven Pillow by Crows Cloth

Nevermore by Thompson Designs

This Visitor by the Haunted Hollow Tree

Blue Jay by MNH Photography

Crow by Lynann Colligan Photography

Stalking Crow by Creative Rampage

Mingling Crows by gothicrow

Cherry Tree and Blue Jays Pillow Case by JM Creations

Caw Caw Paper Weight by Queen Be

Crow Plate by Sacred Space Design

Crow Mugs by Dancing Pig Pots
im getting a lil freaked out with all those crows :)
If you'd like to update your link to WitchCrafted, it's now located at www.witchcrafted.org :)
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