Sorry I have not been posting here more often! Things have been a tad hectic 'round here, but busy as I might be Nature doesn't wait. ;)
Some of the plants are starting to flower including our chives and the tomatoes that we have so far.

{flowering tomatoes}
And all of the other plants are doing well for the most part I think.


Unfortunately the garlic isn't doing so's not doing anything now. It died off and I think it was probably due to the nasty winter storm we had because the same thing happened to two other local growers at the same time. So I ended up planting bush beans where the garlic was.

{bush beans}
We are almost finished pulling up the sod for our other veggie patch, which will have corn, squash, pumpkins, pole beans, sunflowers, carrots, and other pretties in it.
While we have been pulling up the sod, we have also been digging up the dandelion roots in that area and are now cleaned and drying. The roots just like the leaves and the flowers have excellent nutritional value, medicinal properties, and can be used in magical workings. I am working on a wortcunning post for dandelions, so more info on that to come.

I have also been taking advantage of our rhubarb patch and making all sorts of yummy things. Here are some recipes that I think that some of you would enjoy!
Stewed Rhubarb w/ Ginger & Honey
Rhubarb Tapioca
Stewed Rhubarb w/ Ginger & Honey
Rhubarb Tapioca

The wildflowers are still growing like crazy, the most recent ones are goatsbeards. They are funny flowers that are closed by late morning/noon.

Well, I guess I should get back out there. I hope to have some more posts up soon!
WOW! You've been busy: what a great post and photos...the lilac and wildflowers look beautiful and all your plants are doing so well!
The bush bean sounds interesting, and those dandelion roots are super impressive - look forward to hearing about what you do with that hoard!
I <3 rhubarb.
lemon balm! my favorite!
~*~gorgeous photographs~*~
Everything looks so good! The dandelion root is crazy!! :D
My lilacs didn't do very well this year. *Shrugs?*
Well, I got a few good sniffs out of them anyway :D
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